Privacy Policy

Effective date: September 28, 2022

Thank you for choosing ToLife Upholstering We understand the importance of privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. Please read the following Privacy Policy in detail before using our services to understand how we collect, use, disclose, store and protect your personal information.

Types of Information Collected:

In the course of providing the Services, we may collect the following information about you:

Personally Identifiable Information: Including, but not limited to, your name, contact information, and address.

Payment Information: When you make a transaction, we may collect payment-related information, such as credit card numbers, Alipay accounts, etc.

Service Usage Information: We may record information related to your use of our services, including browsing history, preferences, etc.

Use of Information:

The information we collect will be used for the following purposes:

Providing, maintaining and improving our services.
To process transactions and provide customer support.
To send you notifications related to our services.
Ensuring the security and compliance of our services.
Protection of information:

We take reasonable security measures to protect the personal information you provide to us from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, modification or destruction.

Sharing and Disclosure of Information:

We will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless we have your express consent or are required by law or regulation.

Changes to Privacy Policy:

We may update the Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes to the Services and user feedback. When we update our Privacy Policy, we will post a notice on our website.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact our customer service team.

Thank you for trusting ToLife Upholstering and we will continue to provide you with safe and reliable service.